For another chance to enter the drawing, grab one of my blog buttons over there to the right ~~~~> and link back to my blog! Two entries in the drawing...Simple!
This was a wonderful Christmas story of hope and change. This story centers on an Amish girl named Beth, who has lost the love of her life. Beth wears black garb for over a year and her aunt Lizzy (whom she lives with) is worried that Beth hasn't completely gotten over her loss and finds herself in the middle of a 'matchmaking' sort of scheme! This book is written with an Amish charm and will intrigue you with its story of loss, love, and renewed hope.
Here is a little bit about the author - Cindy Woodsmall is the author of When the Heart Cries, When the Morning Comes, and The New York Times Best-Seller When the Soul Mends. Her ability to authentically capture the heart of her characters comes from her real-l
ife connections with Amish Mennonite and Old Order Amish families. A mother of three sons and two daughters-in-law, Cindy lives in Georgia with her husband of thirty-one years.

The Sound of Sleigh Bells by Cindy Woodsmall is published by Random House a division of Waterbrook/Multinomah publishers:
Go Directly to Random House from this link:
http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780307446534Notice: In accordance with the FTC regulations I inform you that as an Influencer, "The Sound of Sleigh Bells" was sent to me directly from the publisher, Waterbrook/Multinomah publishers for review purposes. I review only books I have read and all reviews are the honest representation of my opinion of the book.
I WANT THIS BOOK!! Okay, what fascinates me so much about the Amish...alot! The fact that they live in such a cloistered community and that they have little use for many modern gadgets! They fascinate me so much that I took a trip down to Lancaster PA, just to check them out! They also appear to have a deep faith in God, which is so awesome! I could go on and on about this, but, those are the main reasons why I find them so appealing!
cdnovelist (at) aol (dot) com
I would love this book. The Amish can teach us so much in some ways. Please enter me.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot cot
I enjoy good quality Christian chick lit, so it will be fun to follow your blog, Lucie.
Amish fiction appeals to me, but I'm not sure why. I know I don't agree with parts of their belief system, so what draws me must be their commitment to God and family, respect for authority figures in their life, and a simple lifestyle far removed from the destractions of this world.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of The Sound of Sleigh Bells, Lucie.
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
I love Cindy's books...I have her first two, but none beyond that. Please enter me....
Oh..and I'd love to hear how your book club chat went last Sat. Thank you SO much for featuring my book. If you ever want to do a phone chat with the group, or need any bookmarks, let me know!
I would be so excited to win this book. I have it on my wishlist for the holidays(I only read holiday fare from Thanksgiving till Jan 1rst) If I win it great; if not it is a definite purchase as I find her to be a great writer.
Gayla Collins
I have read a couple books about the Amish recently and became fascinated by their lifestyle. Someone just recommended Cindy Woodsmall to me and I hope to read some of them very soon. This book would be a great addition.
I find it interesting that they live such simple lives in this day and time.
Please enter me in the contest.
Deborah M.
Cecelia: Yes, the same things interest me! How they can live in our modern world without the things that we think we 'need' amazes me! I wish I lived close to PA because I would love to visit an Amish community. Thank you for your thoughts :-) Lucie
Linda: Yes I believe that they can!
Carole: I am happy that you have decided to follow my little blog!
Miralee: This is the 1st time I've read 1 of Cindy's books and I loved it! Our group still wants you to do a phone chat with us, it was so great last time!
Thank you for entering to all of you!
It amazes me the simple life that the Amish commit to. I admire their dedication to their faith and their families. The hard work that they demonstrate would be a great example to the young people today-who tend to take things for granted and expect things handed to them. I would love to win this book. Please enter me in the drawing!
Gayla: I love that you read only "holiday fare" from Thanksgiving until Jan. 1st! Our book club picks Christmas books for November and December! What a fun & festive way to bring in the holidays!
Carol: This was my first Cindy Woodsmall book and I absolutely loved her writing! I too will be recommending her!!
Deborah M.: Yes, that seems to be an underlying theme here :-) Thank you for stopping by.
Deborah: I am so glad that you made the time to stop by my blog and enter! I agree that the Amish sure do teach their children the value of working hard and not being lazy.
I just love reading all of the comments! Keep them coming :-)
~ Lucie
I am always fascinated by why people like to read about the Amish, yet most times almost mock them and their beliefs, and I think it may have something to do with a maybe an inner longing for a more simple old fashioned way of life, not having to keep up with the changing fashions etc. But one thing I think gets missed alot in the "amish fiction" books, is that alot of Amish are not always thinking about what it would be like to wear jeans, have electricity etc. and are pretty happy that way, and more surprising, most of them do not even believe in getting saved. Often times still for having bible studies etc they would kicked out of the church and shunned. martha(at)lclink(dot)com
I love christmas stories! This book sounds wonderful. Please enter me in your drawing.Thanks!
I love reading Christmas stories and have a interest in the Amish and enjoy reading books about them. I think it might be their simple way of life that interests me as well as their deep faith in G-d and family that interests me so much.
I love Christmas stories and would love to read this one. What fascinates me most about the Amish is the simplicity of their lifestyle. I often wish I has the courage to live such a simple life but I like my luxuries too much.
I really find the Amish lifestyle fascinating- how they can live without all the extras that we think we cannot live without- cellphones, etc.
ejxd95 at gmail dot com
I have your button on my sidebar
many Amish have such simple lives and it makes me wonder if we'd slow down ours that we'd have more time for what's really important.
please enter me :)
I have your button on my blog now. So I hope that enters me in the drawing a 2nd time! Yippee!
I've added a link to your blog for an extra chance in the drawing. Come on over and check it out.
Deborah M.
We have a winner!
Cherie J. your name was drawn!!
Please send me your snail mail address and I will send your new book out a.s.a.p.!
Thank you to all who entered! I really have enjoyed having this book tour/little drawing and I appreciate those of you who posted my blog button on your blogs!!
Keep checking back because I have signed up for more Blog Tours in November and December.
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